Cicada Killers

Cicada Killer Wasps

Cicada Killer Wasps

Cicada killers are large wasps that are commonly found in Texas during the summer months. They are known for their distinctive buzzing sound and their ability to hunt cicadas, which they use to feed their young.

 Cicada Killer vs European hornet
European hornet vs Cicada Killer

Cicada killers are fascinating insects that have captured the attention of many people due to their large size and intriguing behavior. These wasps are often mistaken for hornets or yellow jackets, but they are actually a different species altogether. Cicada killers are generally harmless to humans, but they can be a nuisance if they decide to nest in your yard or garden. In this article, we will answer some of the most common questions about cicada killers and provide tips on how to deal with them.

Do cicada killers sting humans?

While cicada killers are capable of stinging humans, they are generally not aggressive and will only sting if provoked or threatened. Female cicada killers have stingers that they use to paralyze cicadas, which they then bring back to their nest to feed their young. However, male cicada killers do not have stingers and are unable to sting.

What happens if you get stung by a cicada killer?

If you are stung by a cicada killer, you may experience pain, swelling, and redness around the sting site. However, the pain is generally mild and will subside within a few hours. In rare cases, some people may have an allergic reaction to the venom, which can cause more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing and swelling of the face and throat. If you suspect that you are having an allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately.

What attracts cicada killers to your yard?

Cicada killers are attracted to areas with loose, sandy soil, as this is where they prefer to build their nests. They are also attracted to areas with lots of sunlight, as this helps to warm up the soil and make it more suitable for nesting. Cicada killers are also attracted to flowering plants, as they provide a source of nectar for the adults to feed on.

What can you do to keep cicada killers away from your yard?

To keep cicada killers away from your yard, you can try planting flowering plants that are less attractive to them, such as lavender or marigolds. You can also try to keep your lawn well-watered, as this will make the soil less suitable for nesting. If you do have a cicada killer nest in your yard, you can try covering the entrance with a large rock or another heavy object to discourage them from returning.

Should I worry about cicada killers?

While cicada killers can be a nuisance if they decide to nest in your yard, they are generally not a cause for concern. They are not aggressive towards humans and are unlikely to sting unless provoked or threatened. In fact, cicada killers are actually beneficial insects, as they help to control cicada populations.

Are cicada killers dangerous to cicadas?

Yes, cicada killers are predators that hunt cicadas as a food source for their young. Female cicada killers use their stingers to paralyze the cicada, which they then carry back to their nest to feed their young. While this may seem cruel, it is actually an important part of the natural ecosystem, as it helps to control cicada populations and prevent them from causing damage to trees and other plants.

What do cicada killers eat?

As their name suggests, cicada killers primarily feed on cicadas. They are known to be important natural regulators of cicada populations. In addition to cicadas, they may also occasionally feed on other insects, such as bees or wasps.

cicada in hand
Cicada Killlers eat these – cicadas

How do cicada killers kill cicadas?

Cicada killers capture cicadas in flight and then paralyze them with a venomous sting. They then carry the cicada back to their nest, where they lay their eggs on the cicada. Once the eggs hatch, the cicada serves as a source of food for the developing larvae.

What keeps cicada killers away?

One way to keep cicada killers away is to limit their preferred nesting areas by keeping lawns well-maintained and minimizing bare or sandy soil. In addition, using insecticides or other chemical treatments may help to repel or kill cicada killers. However, it is important to note that these methods may also harm other beneficial insects and should be used with caution.

Should I worry about cicada killers?

Cicada killers are generally not aggressive towards humans and will only sting if they feel threatened. Their sting is not very painful and is not considered dangerous, except for individuals who may have an allergic reaction. However, they can be a nuisance if they are present in large numbers and may cause damage to lawns and gardens.

How do you get rid of cicada killers permanently?

The most effective way to get rid of cicada killers permanently is to remove their preferred nesting areas, such as bare or sandy soil, from your yard. In addition, using insecticides or other chemical treatments may help to repel or kill cicada killers. However, it is important to note that these methods may also harm other beneficial insects and should be used with caution.

Should I kill cicada killers?

Killing cicada killers is not necessary and may actually do more harm than good. Cicada killers are important natural regulators of cicada populations and can be beneficial to have in your yard. In addition, they are generally not aggressive toward humans and their sting is not very painful.

Are cicada killers dangerous?

Cicada killers are not considered dangerous, except for individuals who may have an allergic reaction to their venomous sting. They are generally not aggressive towards humans and will only sting if they feel threatened.

When do cicada killers go away?

Cicada killers are active during the summer months, with their activity peaking in July and August. As the weather begins to cool in the fall, the cicada killers will begin to die off and their activity will decrease. By late fall, the cicada killers will have gone away for the winter.


Cicada killers are fascinating insects that play an important role in regulating cicada populations. They are generally not aggressive towards humans and their sting is not considered dangerous. While they can be a nuisance if present in large numbers, there are effective ways to limit their presence in your yard. By understanding the habits and behaviors of cicada killers, you can coexist with these beneficial insects in a safe and respectful manner.

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